
Platinum Sponsor


Bronze Sponsor

purple square with white semicircles resembling a partial fingerprint above purple text reading CONSTELLATE

orange and blue logo for GALE

University of Virginia Library DH Center

Volunteer Sponsor

Reclaim Hosting VHS logo

Coffee Breaks

2 intersecting orange quadrilaterals with a white P between them and the word "Performant" below
Clemson Digital History Ph.D. logo
De Gruyter logo
Computational Humanities Research logo

Other Support

logo of SP@ARC at GMU libraries library.gmu.edu/sparc


We also gratefully acknowledge the support of GMU’s newly founded Center for Humanities Research (CHR); the Institute for Digital Innovation (IDIA), GMU’s investment in incubating tech-focused interdisciplinary research; and GMU’s provost Mark Ginsberg during the bidding process for this conference.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Interested in sponsoring DH2024? We have multiple sponsorship opportunities at a variety of financial levels. US-based individuals and institutions may be eligible for tax deductions for their sponsorship. To learn more, give us an email: dh2024@gmu.edu