
All workshop participants must register through ConfTool, which will maintain the most up-to-date information on each of the workshops. If you have already registered for the conference, you can still edit your registration to add or drop workshops.

For ease of reference, the workshop list (current as of 4/1/2024) is also displayed below:

Monday, August 5, 2024: Full Day Workshops

  • Doing DH at the Library of Congress (onsite at the Library of Congress)
Sign up for a full day at the Library of Congress. Meet Library staff, tour spaces, and explore selected Library of Congress data alongside other digital humanists and digital library experts from LC in a create-a-thon.
  • National Cemeteries as Digital Classrooms: Making Veterans Stories Accessible to All (onsite at Alexandria National Cemetery)
Join us for this half-day workshop and explore the DH tools UCF’s Veterans Legacy Program is creating. Collaborate with us to build digital-based historical walking tour content in Alexandria National Cemetery.

DHTech will hold a mini-conference at DH2024 themed “DH Inside Out”. Typical DH conference presentations are focussed on the research with a slight nod to the technical details; we want to flip that format and dive more deeply into the technical aspects of the work, while still keeping it in context of the research and domain specifics. To that end, we invite submissions of interest to the people who work on the technical aspects of DH projects, such as: implementation and design specifics of packages and applications lessons learnt regarding the design and implementation of research software tool demonstrations from a technical perspective community and diversity topics specific to the technical DH community.

Monday, August 5, 2024: Morning Workshops

  • New experiences in DH publishing: the Journal of Digital History
This workshop will guide you through the different steps to write a multi-layered article, based on our experience with the Journal of Digital History.
This half-day in-person workshop introduces textual scholars and practitioners to the LEAF Commons tool suite, a set of web-based, easy-to-use tools that support text encoding, named entity recognition, web annotation, text analysis and publication without users having to learn complex coding languages.
  • Parallel Text Processing and Translation Alignment with Ugarit
In this workshop, participants are going to learn the fundamentals of parallel text processing and particularly Translation Alignment, and how to use Ugarit (, an online environment targeted at the creation of manually and semi-automatically aligned datasets in ancient and historical languages. The goal of the workshop is to introduce participants to an important topic in Digital Humanities, and to expand our community and available datasets by targeting languages currently underrepresented on the platform.

Monday, August 5, 2024: Afternoon Workshops

  • Digital Humanities Role-Playing Game

Venture forth with the #DHRPG, a tabletop role-playing game where you can experience the thrill of doing a DH project and negotiating the project team’s individual needs, desires, and abilities. In this pre-conference activity, we’ll run two tables of ~5 players, each doing a one-shot adventure. All are welcome, whether you’re new to DH (or RPGs) or a pro!

  • What can I do with Constellate?: Practical Approaches for Teaching Text Analysis and Artificial Intelligence
Join us for a half-day workshop on teaching text analysis and AI with Constellate, including key concepts, finding data, Jupyter lab, community events, and Q&A. This workshop will give teachers and learners a guide for growing their text analysis skills.
  • Accountable concordance reading with FlexiConc


  • Aligner, vérifier et enrichir des jeux de données sur le patrimoine écrit ancien: découvrir et pratiquer le web service de réconciliation pour OpenRefine de Biblissima

If you have never found the time to experiment with the super easy data reconciliation feature of OpenRefine, this half-day workshop will give you the opportunity! It will also introduce the Biblissima endpoint for authoritative data about written cultures (shelfmarks for manuscripts or ancient prints, people, places, iconographic descriptors, etc.), which will be used for the exercises. While the process is straightforward, this session may lead to interesting discussions among the participants on how to balance the need for automation and critical review of the results obtained. See The workshop will be given in English and/or French depending on the speaking language of the audience

Tuesday, August 6, 2024: All-day Workshop

  • Audio-Visual in DH Special Interest Group

Tuesday, August 6, 2024: Morning Workshops

  • Reimagine your teaching through games: Introduction to prototyping interactive fiction games for learning
This online workshop is an introduction to prototyping an interactive fiction game specific to your teaching objectives using pen, paper, and the online TWINE editor!
The overarching goal of the workshop is to present, promote, and showcase the DH subfield known as “Computational Literary Studies”. The program will be composed by a combination of invited talks, demo sessions, and lightning talks.
  • Publishing with Manifold
In this workshop, participants will learn the basics of the Manifold publishing platform, explore its affordances for reading and annotation, and create projects on it. Among the types of publications participants will explore are monograph/essay publishing, archival document publishing, open educational resource publishing, and course-based publishing.
  • Introduction to publishing XML with static site and front-end technologies. A hands-on exploration of the publishing toolkit of the Scholarly Editing Journal


  • Geovistory, a LOD Research Infrastructure for Historical Sciences
Join us in this workshop to understand how Geovistory can help you produce and publish FAIR research data in an easy-to-use environment.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024: Afternoon Workshops

  • #DHMakes Mini-Conference
Are you a digital humanist who also engages in craft-making, like knitting, weaving, sewing, or embroidery? Come to the #DHmakes pre-conference event to share your creations, work on your project in company, and try out new techniques for incorporating craft into your DH praxis.
  • Catch Our DHRIFT: DH Workshops for Responsible Reuse

DHRIFT, an OER tool for publishing, reproducing, and revising interactive DH technical
skill workshops, includes modules on topics like Python, JavaScript, and R. In this workshop, attendees will learn about DHRIFT’s pedagogy and underlying technologies.
Participants will create a customized, static workshop site and build new workshops
with DHRIFT.


  • From Sources to Data to Models: Tools for Interpreting the Evolution of Knowledge Systems
Join us for a workshop about the Socio-Epistemic Networks (SEN), a framework intended to study the evolution of knowledge over time. In the process learn how to automate data extraction from historical sources, explore language-based change in historical documents using text embeddings and divergence measures, and what insights can be gained through modelling and simulation methods about the biases embedded in archives as well as introduced through data collection.

Distributed Text Services (DTS) is an API specification that aims to help manage the text heterogeneity problem by providing well-structured information about texts collections, text metadata, referencing systems, and by delivering texts and text fragments in a consistent fashion. The specification has been available as a public working draft since 2020. A version 1 alpha release was produced in the Spring of 2024 and is in a comment and revision phase pending a stable release in the Fall. This workshop aims to introduce participants to DTS and its potential for publishing text collections, expand the DTS community, encourage adoption of the API, and to introduce participants to the existing implementations and tools for working with DTS APIs.